Rising Tide Foundation launches Patient Arts for Health, Global Exhibition
February 4, 2021
We embrace the pivotal role that patients play in developing approaches for the diagnosis and management of cancer and its effect on everyday life. We involve patients by putting their experiences to use, helping to shape research so that it is carried out with or by patients, rather than to or for them.
At the occasion of World Cancer Day, we are launching an international Patient Arts for Health Exhibition to collect and curate patient art offering new insights on what quality of life means. Our goal is to stimulate patients, family members and caregivers to engage in the creative process to communicate truths about each person’s particular interpretation and hopes about quality of life. The delicate nuances, wishes and emotions involved are best communicated through the language of the arts.
The initiative’s aim is simple: Invite patients, family members and caregivers to make art and share this work with others who can both learn and heal from this work.
We invite you to participate or help share this opportunity with those who can benefit.
The original pieces of art will be curated online in November 2021.
Find out more here