Rising Tide partners with Free Market Foundation to empower individuals with a title to their home

October 20, 2016

Rising Tide Foundation partners with the Free Market Foundation to change Apartheid-era housing conditions and transfer government-owned rental houses to their rightful owners.

The Free Market Foundation (FMF) is an independent public benefit organization founded in 1975. It has been playing a vital role in South Africa, striving to defend and promote property rights.

Under Apartheid, black South Africans were forcibly removed from their land and were denied any opportunity to advance economically. Now, more than twenty years after Apartheid ended, the majority of black South Africans still do not own any property.

FMF launched the Khaya Lam (my house) land reform initiative to change these conditions by educating the local population about the benefits of free markets and property rights and to help them register ownership of their homes.

Through the support of Rising Tide Foundation (RTF), the 1000 title mark was recently achieved. RTF sponsored 100 fully tradable title deeds, turning registered tenants into proud property owners.  This is a historic milestone in reversing Apartheid-era housing conditions. RTF director Eveline Mumenthaler states, “At Rising Tide Foundation we are working for a better future, a future of greater freedom, opportunity and well-being. We believe that every one of us plays an important role in cultivating a rising tide of change. The Free Market Foundation’s Khaya Lam project brings real change to communities. We are thrilled to have been in a position to sponsor the transfer of 100 title deeds and help achieve this significant milestone of 1,000 title deed transfers”. 

Click here to read more about the Khaya Lam project. 

For more information about Free Market Foundation, visit www.freemarketfoundation.com. 

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